A sword reforged step 3
A sword reforged step 3

a sword reforged step 3 a sword reforged step 3

Possibly different versions of this for swordmace) A Victory For The - ( sword or mace ) Bring the Restored QuelDelar to the NPC at the Violet Citadel in Dalaran.Ī lot of this info came from comments people left on the various quest pages. Speak to a Warden of the Sunwell when you are ready to enter the Sunwell Plateau. Go around behind SWP to the Dead Scar (southern end of Isle of QD zone, not in the SWP raid instance) and kill a bunch of mobs.) The Purification of QuelDelar Immerse your Tempered QuelDelar in the Sunwell. Thalorien Dawnseeker Visit Thalorien Dawnseekers Remains and obtain his blessing to wield QuelDelar. The infused bars are near the entrance dont forget you have to kill the boss, too.)(It appears this can be done on Normal Difficulty.) Tempering The Blade Temper the Reforged QuelDelar in the Crucible of Souls.ĪKA: kill the final boss of Forge of Souls use the quest item nearby.)(It appears this can be done on Normal Difficulty.) The Halls Of Reflection Bring your Tempered QuelDelar to Swords Rest inside the Halls of Reflection.ĪKA, obviously, run Halls of Reflection.)(It appears this can be done on Normal Difficulty.) Journey To The Sunwell Speak with Halduron Brightwing at the entrance to the Sunwell Plateau on the Isle of QuelDanas. Reforging The Sword Obtain 5 Infused Saronite Bars and the Forgemasters Hammer and use them to make the Reforged QuelDelar. Return To Myralion Sunblaze Bring the Ancient Dragonforged Blades to Myralion Sunblaze at QuelDelars Rest. The Silver Covenant Scheme (Alliance version is called The Sunreavers Plan) Obtain the Orders by killing an NPC in the Dalaran Sewers.Ī Suitable Disguise Obtain a Borrowed Tabard from Shandy Glossgleam He is upstairs in the Threads of Fate: if you are standing in front of the stairs with the Violet Citadel to your back, it is to the right (to the left is the toy store). What The Dragons Know Speak to Krasus at the top of Wyrmrest Temple. The Battered Hilt Bring the Battered Hilt to Myralion Sunblaze at QuelDelars rest, south of the Argent Tournament Grounds. If you hover your mouse over the anvils, they dont say anything, so its A Sword Reforged Step 3 By lingptinbipat1983 Follow | Public

A sword reforged step 3